A few highlights from the week (5-18 to 5-23):
- Juniper Mountain (Owyhees) on Monday: Flammulated Owl, Common Poorwill, Olive-sided Flycatcher, and Western Wood-pewee
- N Fork of Owyhee River campground on Tuesday: Yellow-breasted Chat, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Plumbeous Vireo
- South Hills (Diamondfield Jack & upper Rock Creek Rd) on Thurs: 'South Hills' Crossbills, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Fox Sparrow, Broad-tailed Hummingbird (heard only), Northern Goshawk adult, Williamson's Sapsucker pair, & more
- Hayfield N of Marion/Oakley (in hayfield on W side of 600 W between 900 S & 1000 S): 6 male Bobolinks!!!
- Black Pine Mountains (Pole Canyon Rd) on Friday: Virginia's Warbler, Broad-tailed Hummingbird (great views of displaying & perched male), Plumbeous Vireo, & much more
- Sun Valley Ranch on Saturday: Rose-breasted Grosbeak female, Least Flycatcher (6 singing males!!), Gray Catbird, Eastern Kingbirds (1st of spring), Swainson's Thrush, Pileated Woodpecker, Bobolink
- Centennial Marsh on Saturday afternoon: 25+ Black Terns
It was a busy but really fun week (finally in the field after all the planning/prep work for the last few months) with a fun crew .... home to re-charge for a day before some more adventures!!!
Just want to et you know, even though I'm out of town - I'll still make the shirt! :p Have fun in the field! -Mel